Print quality
2007-09-23 13:44:30 UTC

I hope this is the appropriate place to post this question....if not, sorry!

I notice a difference in print quality using HPLIP/CUPS in Mepis6.0, versus
WinXP prints. The Linux prints (I talk about photo prints here) are grainier
than what WinXP produces. This is using a C5180 all-in-one, ethernet connected.

A screenshot illustrating this issue is available here:
Loading Image...

These are (details of) 600x600 scans from both a WinXP and Linux 6x4 inch print
of the same file, both printed with the highest quality settings available, on
HP Advanced photopaper. (The original test file was downloaded from

The scans were both made from Linux using Xsane, with the same settings.

My question is obviously: what does WinXP better than Lin/HPLIP, and can
something be done about this? The difference IS visible in real-world comparison
and it would be great to benefit from top quality under Linux too....

Thank you very much

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