2.7.7 hp-check fails with error
Zbigniew Luszpinski
2007-08-12 18:53:54 UTC
hp-check[16822]: debug: Python ver=2.5
hp-check[16822]: debug: have python2x = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: ******
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libcrypto = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have gs = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have ppdev = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have python23 = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libnetsnmp-devel = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have sane-devel = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have pil = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have cups = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have gcc = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libpthread = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have make = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have python-devel = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have pyqt = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have cups-devel = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have scanimage = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have reportlab = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libusb = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libtool = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have xsane = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libjpeg = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have sane = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have python2x = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: ******
hp-check[16822]: debug: Searching
for '['yast', 'yast2', 'yum', 'rpm', 'up2date', 'apt-get', 'synaptic', 'dpkg', 'update-manager', 'adept', 'aptitude', 'adept-updater', 'adept-notifier', 'urpmi']'
in 'ps' output...
hp-check[16822]: debug: Running package manager:
hp-check[16822]: debug: Bitness = 32
hp-check[16822]: debug: Endian = 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/hp-check", line 161, in <module>
File "/usr/share/hplip/installer/core_install.py", line 261, in init
self.distro_name = self.distros_index[self.distro]
KeyError: 0

The hp-check up to and including 2.7.6 works fine.

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Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser.
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2007-08-12 20:07:06 UTC
This a known issue I will be addressing this coming week.

Post by Zbigniew Luszpinski
hp-check[16822]: debug: Python ver=2.5
hp-check[16822]: debug: have python2x = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: ******
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libcrypto = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have gs = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have ppdev = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have python23 = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libnetsnmp-devel = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have sane-devel = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have pil = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have cups = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have gcc = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libpthread = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have make = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have python-devel = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have pyqt = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have cups-devel = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have scanimage = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have reportlab = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libusb = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libtool = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have xsane = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have libjpeg = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: have sane = 0
hp-check[16822]: debug: have python2x = 1
hp-check[16822]: debug: ******
hp-check[16822]: debug: Searching
for '['yast', 'yast2', 'yum', 'rpm', 'up2date', 'apt-get', 'synaptic',
'dpkg', 'update-manager', 'adept', 'aptitude', 'adept-updater',
'adept-notifier', 'urpmi']'
in 'ps' output...
hp-check[16822]: debug: Bitness = 32
hp-check[16822]: debug: Endian = 1
File "/usr/bin/hp-check", line 161, in <module>
File "/usr/share/hplip/installer/core_install.py", line 261, in init
self.distro_name = self.distros_index[self.distro]
KeyError: 0
The hp-check up to and including 2.7.6 works fine.
This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
Still grepping through log files to find problems? Stop.
Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser.
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